martes, enero 09, 2007


from: David Potter dpotter@borlxxxxxx
to: gatv
teme: Open Office 2.1-Calc
Hi Andres,
Thanks for this. No, I didn't try to save with either of the extension you suggested. From the things I did try and the way the problem resolved, I think something about the file I was working on was corrupted. I'll try saving the work I copied into a new file with a new name back under the original file name. I think it might work as it did when I saved to the same file name or a different hard disc.
en cristiano:
abre el fichero corrupto, y guardalo con otro nombre y si es posible en una unidad de disco diferente.
este chaval no lo sabe, pero se le aparecio la virgen.
para la proxima consulta hay que traducir:
cuatro angelitos tiene mi cama.
cuatro angelitos que me la guardan.